To the editor:
Opponents of Measure 21-203 have pulled out the big guns — significant money lost if the measure passes.
The numbers are big. They are scary. But can that much money be lost with the phase-out of only 525 to 530 short-term rentals in unincorporated Lincoln County?
Opponents of Measure 21-203 claim “STR visitors generate $3.8 million in construction and renovation.” Yet, one of their websites says that number is the “value of all construction permits issued in 2019 in Lincoln County.” All construction permits (as listed in their sources) yet you see $3.8 million lost and panic.
Opponents of Measure 21-203 claim “STR visitors spend $27 million at local restaurants.” Wow, that’s a lot of money. But does it really represent just STR visitors? Maybe it represents total tourist dollars? Could it include what locals spend when they eat at local restaurants?
Opponents of Measure 21-203 claim “STR rental visitors spend $105 million on local travel.” That’s the biggest number of all. But how does their travel spending impact you? How did they determine this much came from STR visitors vs. day travelers?
Before you cast your vote, put on the brakes, and consider the claims made by the opponents of Measure 21-203. Do they ring true to you? Do you have doubts regarding the way the numbers have been used?
No matter the decision you reach, remember this one important fact: Measure 21-203 is not about all short-term rentals in Lincoln County. The only impact is on STRs outside of city limits (in unincorporated Lincoln County), less than a fourth of total STRs.
Can you overcome your fear and support the people who are trying to restore their residential neighborhoods, outside of city limits? Please vote “yes” on Measure 21-203.
— Linda Keehn/Waldport
mitchell gensman says
Economic impact numbers can be spun many different ways. If you have any doubt about the impact to the local economy, listen to the county commissioners and hear their opposition to this ballot measure. Doug Hunt, Chair of the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners, has stated that passage of Ballot Measure 21-203 STR’s would have a “Crippling Financial Impact on the County”.
sydney ovist says
Voting yes will not cripple our economy. I will not continue to live next to mini motels in my quiet neighborhood. Read the numbers. Tourists are not going anywhere.