YACHATS – The city of Yachats is looking for residents interested in filling a vacant city council seat as well as several open seats on four city committees.
Civic-minded individuals looking to make a difference in the community are encouraged to apply.
The vacant council seat had been appointed to Anthony Muirhead, who elected not to run during the Nov. 5 election and no one filed for the seat. The council term is four years ending Dec. 31, 2028. The council and other positions are open until filled. No deadline for applications has been posted by the city.
There is one vacancy on the Parks & Commons Commission. In addition there are lots of terms ending Dec. 31 on the Planning Commission (two), Public Works & Streets (three) and Budget Committee (three).
Applications are available at city hall or on the city’s website at https://yachatsoregon.org/volunteer
For more information contact elections officer Kimmie Jackson at 541-547-3565 ext. 4 or email recorder@yachatsmail.org
There were 59 write-in votes for the open City Council seat. Will Yachats News be reporting on who they are for, and will the individual(s) with the highest number of votes be given priority over any non-elected applicants?