YACHATS – The Yachats Planning Commission needs your help – to join it.
The seven-member commission has been one member short for months, and that came into play twice in March when it had scheduled meetings but not a quorum to conduct business. On March 15 and again Tuesday, three members of the commission were either traveling or working and did not attend the online meeting leaving it with only three members — not enough to hold its formal meeting and potentially make decisions.
City planner Katherine Guenther told the commission it would need a quorum – four would do it – in April when there could be a conditional use hearing on a house proposed in Quiet Water and in May when developers of Agate Point are expected back for a hearing on their project.
The commission meets the third Tuesday of every month, with a workshop session at 2 p.m. and a formal meeting at 3 p.m.
Commissioner Lance Bloch said any Yachats resident interested in serving on the commission should get ahold of him or Guenther to express their interest.
While the city of Yachats has four commissions made up of volunteers, the Planning Commission is the only one required by state law. In addition to its ability to recommend changes to municipal codes and the city’s comprehensive plan, it is a quasi-judicial body that holds hearings on variances and conditional use requests.
Potential volunteers would be interviewed by the commission, whose members make a recommendation to the city council, which votes on commission appointments. A volunteer application form is available on the city website.