YACHATS – The Yachats Rural Fire Protection District is losing its longtime assistant administrator to a job in the Lincoln County health department.
Shelby Knife, who has been the district’s assistant administrator for 12 years and a volunteer firefighter for 16, is leaving Jan. 24 to take a job as manager of the county’s communicable disease and harm reduction program.
It had been assumed or expected by some board members that that Knife would be in line for the main administrative position when longtime administrator and volunteer chief Frankie Petrick, 78, retired. Knife told YachatsNews that Petrick is looking to hire his replacement.
Knife said he will continue to be president of the nonprofit South Lincoln Ambulance, which contracts for staffing with the fire district to provide service in south Lincoln County and small portions of rural Lane County. Petrick is SLA’s secretary.
Wavely Hayner says
Thank you for your service Shelby.