To the editor:
This letter is in response to the April 22 YachatsNews story “Faced with hiring crisis, Yachats motel owner asks city to allow temporary RV park to help attract seasonal workers”.
As a concerned citizen, I find the idea of moving forward with a “temporary” RV park rather short-sighted. Yachats, Lincoln County and the country as a whole are going through a massive housing crisis. Temporary band-aids are not what is needed. Rather, thoughtful discussions on what can be done to help people find and afford housing is vital. Partnerships between communities and housing advocates should be developed.
In 2018 and 2019 Newport and Lincoln County both developed recommendations for alleviating some of the housing issues plaguing the area. Some of those recommendations were brought to the Yachats City Council. The only suggestion that ever had any real discussion was regarding accessory dwelling units and it was decided that no changes to our code were needed. And here we now are, in 2021, with an extreme housing crisis and nothing has been done to help people work and live here.
Yachats has limited available properties where multi-family or mixed-use development can be created. The suggestions made in 2018 and 2019 targeted that issue with recommendations of code changes. Across the country ADUs have been shown to alleviate some of the housing shortage for those who cannot afford high market rate rents.
Yes, our Yachats economy depends on tourism and the business community is struggling to find people to work for them. But rather than only look at this issue through that lens we need to look further out and see the issue through the larger lens of the future of Yachats and the people affected.
I believe we all want a community where people of different incomes and backgrounds can work, live and play. In the end, communities that have a thriving citizenry living in a walkable, healthy and vibrant place are where tourists most prefer to visit.
By creating a more varied and equitable housing market we will create a stronger economy for everyone.
— Jacqueline Danos, Yachats
Great point Jacqueline.
ADU’s are an excellent way to help with housing affordability and supply, if they are well designed and sited properly. They are also an excellent way to allow people to age in place by providing housing to caregivers when that becomes necessary. Most people would prefer to remain in their homes than go into a care situation. I would like to see Lincoln County allow this.