Want a tiny house? Students at Waldport High School may have a deal for you.
Students in the school’s manufacturing and fabrication class designed and then built the shell for a tiny house. Now it’s sitting in the school parking lot and ready to be sold.
The sale is by sealed bid. Details of the bid application process can be found on the Lincoln County School District website at www.lincoln.k12.or.us.
The minimum bid is $10,000; the district estimates there is more than $18,500 worth of material in the house’s shell.
Written sealed bids must be submitted to district business manager Kim Cusick, 1212 N.E. Fogarty, Newport, Ore. 97365 no later than 4:30 pm April 10. No verbal or email bids will be accepted.
Bidders wishing to view the completed tiny house shell prior to bidding need to contact Waldport High School at 541-563-3243. All proceeds of the sale will go directly back into high school’s construction technology programs.