Even in a small community like Yachats it can be tough or awkward to meet people.
That’s what inspired Patty Hodgins to start a “Village Mixer,” a twice-yearly event to give local residents the opportunity to meet others they may not have connected with yet.
The spring mixer is at 7 p.m. Friday, April 5, in the multipurpose room of the Yachats Commons. There is no charge.
Hodgins, a retired social worker, started the mixers four years ago.
“The structure is exactly like speed dating — very short one-on-one conversations with each person – but it’s not dating at all,” she said. “It’s for old-timers as well as newcomers. It’s just a way to meet more people. It’s not one of those things where you play those preposterous games. It’s introvert friendly.”
The mixer usually lasts 60-90 minutes; average attendance is 20.
After the initial mixing, Hodgins said there will be refreshments and the “opportunity to continue connecting at a more leisurely pace.”
For more information, Hodgins can be reached via email at phodg1@gmail.com
This is a wonderful way for newcomers to meet oldtime Yachatians, and vice-versa. Great event!