By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Oregon’s commercial Dungeness crab catch is down so far this season but the price fishermen are getting for their catch is buoying the fleet’s spreadsheets. “The […]
Dungeness crab
Newport’s big crab fleet gets another Dec. 16 Dungeness opener after near-record 2023-24 season
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews NEWPORT – Fishermen with callused hands and vise-like grips worked steadily along Newport’s docks this week to prepare boats and gear in a final push before […]
It’s been a good season for Oregon’s Dungeness crab fleet with strong prices and four more months to go
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Oregon’s 2024-24 commercial Dungeness crab season is proving quite successful five months into the season. Fishermen have hauled in 23.8 million pounds of crab so far, […]
Newport-based Dungeness crab fleet getting better prices this year, but harvest numbers are dropping off
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Word along the docks is the Dungeness crab harvest has dropped off markedly in comparison with this time last season – but prices paid to fishermen […]
West Coast crabbers rush to aid counterparts in Ilwaco, Wash. after fire destroys thousands of pots
By ISABELLA BREDA/The Seattle Times ILWACO, Wash. — Deckhand Curtis McKenzie and his captain, Zeke Estrella, of the Sunset Charge pulled up to Ilwaco Landing last Monday to drop off […]
ODFW commissioners will consider extending rules Friday to limit crab gear to lessen impact on whales and turtles
By DANA TIMS/YachatsNews Oregon Fish and Wildlife commissioners are expected Friday to indefinitely extend regulations aimed at reducing whale entanglements with commercial crabbing gear. Commissioners, meeting in Salem, […]
Despite late start and low prices, Oregon’s Dungeness crab fleet will end 2022-23 season with a near-record catch
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Oregon’s Dungeness crab fleet is winding down a banner year – one nearly for the record books in fact. With little more than a month to […]
Federal agency considering sea otter re-introduction on the Oregon coast wraps up eight public open houses
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Federal wildlife officials floating the idea of returning sea otters to the Oregon coast in an effort to re-establish their historic range are also hoping they […]
State police cite Dungeness crab fisherman after finding 22 percent of his catch under-sized
Oregon State Police have charged a commercial fisherman from Hebo with cheating on his catch of Dungeness crab after a state biologist noticed that much of the catch he […]
Commercial Dungeness crab season will open Dec. 31 along Oregon coast
Fresh Oregon crab will be back on the menu soon — the commercial Dungeness crab fishery will open along all of the Oregon coast Tuesday, Dec. 31, the Oregon Department […]