WALDPORT — If you know someone in need, the kindest thing you might do is give them a ride to an event in Waldport next week.
Almost a dozen agencies will gather from 2-5 p.m. Tuesday at DaNoble House, 125 N.W. Spruce St., to help people in south Lincoln County connect with shelter, food, senior and disability help and other services. It’s a new a new event called the South Lincoln County Resource Fair and an effort to connect people with agencies and the help they may need.
“When the houseless, the working poor, the elderly are hurting, some people say ‘They can go to Newport or Lincoln City’ to get shelter, food and services,” says Rick Booth, the Waldport activist who originated the fair. “But they have to get there. And for those who are disabled, or not fully functioning, who will walk them into the buildings? Or help them find the right person?
“A lot of our aging population and others are not tech-savvy enough to use computers or cell phones, or they simply don’t have the devices,” said Booth. “So, they won’t see this online article in YachatsNews or know about the fair.”
He wants neighbors and friends who see information about the event and know people who may need services to help them attend the fair.
A retired Navy veteran, Booth is a past president of South Lincoln Resources, is a chaplain for a variety of police and fire agencies, a Waldport City Council member, on the board of the Central Oregon Coast Fire & Rescue District, and active in county housing groups.
“People in south county have to get to these places (Newport and Lincoln City) to get the support they need,” and that isn’t always feasible, he said. And that’s why he approached the agencies about the resource fair in Waldport.
At the event, people will be able to connect with representatives from many agencies and groups, including the Housing Authority of Lincoln County, Community Shelter and Resource Center, the Lincoln County School District HELP program, Aging and Disability Resource Connection, and many others.
“This is the first time we’ve had so many groups working together” in south county, Booth said. It was his idea to bring the groups together, because “we had people who had never met others doing the same work they’re doing.”
“It’s neighbors helping neighbors,” he said. “We’re just trying to get people together with the resources they need.”
As coordinator of the new South Lincoln County Community Group, Booth urged residents to “tell your neighbors” about Tuesday’s event.
“If you know someone with concerns or questions about county agencies, let them know that the agencies are coming to talk to them,” he said. “We’re not trying to fix everything in one day. We just want to connect people with the faces and phone numbers that can help.”
People who aren’t in need themselves are also welcome to attend, says Booth. “Maybe you can be part of the effort.”
More information about the resource fair is available from South Lincoln Resources, 541-563-3710, ext. 4, or DaNoble House, 541-563-7323. Emails can be directed to info@housinglincolncountyor.gov
I elect Rick Booth for Waldport mayor!
I would like to commend Rick Booth, and all that showed up and do this excellent work for our community. It was a great event with so many attending to show what is available in our community, and helpful to so many in need. I went looking for a helping hand and a lovely woman named Chantelle Estess offered to help me personally, which is definitely going above and beyond, She’s a real gem. Thanks to everyone who participated in this event and who do the good work in our community helping others.