Christmas tree permits are now available for purchase from the Siuslaw National Forest.
To purchase a permit, go online to, go to regional offices in Waldport, Corvallis or Reedsport to purchase a permit in person. They can also be purchased over the phone by calling 541-750-7000. Christmas tree permits are $5 with an additional $2.50 fee per transaction when purchased online.
Cutting trees in some areas of the Siuslaw National Forest is prohibited. Tree hunters are asked to check maps provided with permits prior to selecting their tree.
Visit the Siuslaw Christmas Tree Permit webpage for more details.
The selected tree must be at least 200 feet from main roads, recreation sites and campgrounds, the agency said, and encouraged tree cutters to stay away from areas alongside streams, rivers and lakes.
Fourth graders with Every Kid Outdoors passes are eligible for one free Christmas tree permit. Students and their guardian can visit an office in person or apply for the permit online. Enter a voucher or pass number when prompted on (a $2.50 registration fee will be applied for the transaction).
The agency also offered Christmas tree guidance and safety tips including determine which area of the forest you want to visit and check maps for potential locations; check the weather forecast and road conditions before traveling; start tree hunting early in the day to have plenty of daylight hours; tell someone where you are going and when you will return; bring emergency supplies, including a rope and tarp to move your tree to your vehicle.