NEWPORT — A group of about 230 gray whales that lives and feeds in the waters between northern California and British Columbia – called the Pacific Coast Feeding Group — are the focus of the November Science on Tap lecture at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Hatfield Marine Science Center’s Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building Auditorium.
The presentation is by marine mammal researcher Leigh Torres. A social hour with food and beverages available for purchase begins at 5 p.m. in the lobby.
Torres will discuss how she and the research team from the Marine Mammal Institute have spent the past seven years developing ingenious ways to study this subgroup of gray whales. Torres will compare the differences between the small group of whales and the larger group of gray whales whose feeding range takes them to the Arctic and sub-Artic region. She will also discuss the unique life history, strategy, threats, and culture of PCFG gray whales.
This lecture is free, and the public is welcome. It is also a hybrid event; people unable to make it in person can view the talk online. Details on how to access the talk online are here. A recording of the talk will also be posted on the Science on Tap YouTube playlist.