YACHATS RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PO BOX 1 YACHATS, OREGON 97498 Tel. 541-547-3266 Fax 541-547-4257 E-mail yrfpd@peak.org
Call to Order: President Katherine Guenther at 10:30 AM called the meeting to order.
Quorum: It was determined that a quorum was present. Attendance: Those present: Directors – Katherine Guenther, Betty Johnston, and Donald Tucker ; EMT-P Scott Spaulding, and FF Shi Bucher; Shelby Knife, Assistant to District Administrator; District Administrator and Fire Chief, Frankie Petrick. Directors Hallahan and Ruberg were not in attendance.
Agenda changes or additions: None.
Guests: None.
Public Input: None.
Minutes: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25, 2019 were read and approved as read.
Starting on August 19th an agenda for the next meeting will be e-mailed to each Director on the Monday before the Thursday meeting and on the Thursday before the Monday meeting with a draft of the minutes to be reviewed as well.
Liaison Report: None given.
Correspondence: None received.
Equipment Maintenance: Frankie reported that 8331 (Unit 10) has an exhaust leak and is currently at Muffler Works in Florence for repair/replacement. We are having trouble finding a new door liner for 8331. Frankie will bring the one off of the old 8239 home from Hillsboro in October when she has to go to Portland. GM is no longer manufacturing the door liner for the 2006 model pick-ups.
Training Team Report: Scott Spaulding reported that some joint training is in the works for COCF&RD, SRRFPD and YRFPD. Also a Pumper Operator Class will be coming in the fall for South County Districts.
Activity Report: Report to be given at the next meeting.
District Administrator/Fire Chief Report: Frankie reported that she is gathering information from new Directors for the bank signature cards. Also that she is considering opening an account at Oregon Coast Bank as well. They have been very helpful with loans. We have no issues with Bank of the West, except that a loan is not as convenient thru that bank as Oregon Pacific.
Director Tucker had a few questions about having our new website show the activity report in a chart format. President Guenther agreed that would certainly be doable and now that all of the last years minutes are loaded, we will be able to starting looking at what else we might want to include. We have no section “about us” as of yet. That will be coming soon.
Frankie had a copy of the new Automatic Mutual Aid Agreement for signing. This is the same agreement we have had with SRRFPD and COCF&RD for several years. Signatures were outdated and an update was needed. President Guenther and Frankie Petrick signed on behalf of the YRFPD.
Old Business: President Guenther reported that the zoning request will need to be accompanied by a check for $500.00. We will be asking for a waiver, but the check will need to accompany the signed application.
Ongoing Business: The new station continues to near completion. There is an issue with some of the cabinets from Oregon Corrections Enterprises and hopefully those will be addressed on the 13th. Due to the extra work DSL has put into installing the cabinets we will be getting a change order from DSL to address the additional cost. We are asking Pivot for a clarification about the storage areas in the new building so we will not exceed weight rating with anything we may choose to storage overhead. The concrete for the auxiliary building is complete and framing should be starting soon. The overall look of the site continues to improve as well.
New Business: The reviews of the District Handbook and any new questions or concerns were discussed. We are awaiting any input from Director Ruberg before we do another printing. Disbursements: The bills were reviewed. Director Tucker moved to pay the bills. Director Johnston seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Adjournment: As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:58 AM. The next meeting will be at 10:30 AM on August 22, 2019.
Minutes written and prepared by ________________. Frankie Petrick ___________________________ ______________________________