The Rev. Rolla Phelps and his wife, Stella, sit on the steps of the Little Log Church in Yachats. Records show they purchased the property in 1929 for $200 but Yachats historians now believe the 1927 date on the photo is not correct and should be 1930.
The rustic little building at the corner of Southeast Third and Pontiac streets in Yachats has been a part of the coastal community for 90 years. Built in the shape of a cross from local timber hauled down the Yachats River, the Little Log Church was completed and dedicated in 1930. It was served by ministers from the Oregon Conference of the Evangelical Church, and later by pastors from the Presbyterian Church. When the congregation grew too large for the little building, members built a new church a few blocks away, and the Little Log Church and property was sold to the Oregon Historical Society on the condition it be maintained as a museum. The property was deeded to the city of Yachats in 1986. It now serves as a museum and gathering spot. It is open every day except Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m. The building has developed substantial foundation and siding issues and the city is in the process of getting information on its condition in order to see how much repairs might cost.