Ocean View might be the longest stretch of local road in Yachats, stretching from Marine Drive in the north, south through Yachats State Park and then east along the Yachats River to U.S. Highway 101.
The process of the county turning ownership of the road to the city has been years in the works, but only recently visible to the public with culvert repairs and this week with pavement patching.
Now that the repairs are finished, a contractor for the county will repave the entire road this month with two inches of asphalt. It will also re-stripe the street and install small, reflective “turtles” between vehicle and pedestrian lanes.
The county also plans to replace guardrails along the steep bluff to the north of Yachats State Park, but is waiting for an archeologist’s study of the ground around the guardrail holes.
Once the paving and striping is finished, the Yachats City Council approved two sections of the road becoming one-way in order to allow more room for pedestrians.
The section of Ocean View from West Second Street at the entrance to the state park to West Seventh Street will become one-way northbound. The one-block section from the state park east to Pontiac Street along the river will be one-way eastbound.
The plans also include improvements to the 804 Trail along the west side of the road to make it more walkable.
What happened to the city insisting that the road be ground up and repaved properly vs just paving over top of what’s there?