On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at approximately 2:30 PM Lincoln City Police K-9 Officer Nix and her handler, Officer Snidow, responded to the area of Mile Marker 17 on Highway 20 to help locate a missing driver. The driver, an 81-year-old male, had driven off the embankment of Highway 20 in the area the night prior. The crash was not discovered until approximately 2:00 PM by a passer-by.
Discovered inside the vehicle was an elderly female passenger who had suffered a head injury. She was subsequently transported by medical personnel to Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport.
When Officer Snidow and K-9 Nix arrived, they began searching the area. K-9 Nix quickly located the driver, who walked away after the crash, approximately 100 yards from his car stuck in an area of dense blackberries. The driver apparently had a medical episode, and was transported to the Pacific Communities Hospital in Newport.
This incident highlights the importance of the Police K-9 program available in Lincoln City. As there were no other K-9 units available in the county, Lincoln City Police Officer Snidow and K-9 Nix were instrumental in locating the driver and ensuring he received medical care.
Congratulations and thanks to Officer Nix and her handler, Officer Snidlow. Amazing what a well trained dog and handler can accomplish.