To the editor:
I enthusiastically endorse Heide Lambert’s candidacy for mayor of Waldport. I served on the board of directors of Neighbors for Kids when Heide was executive director. I found her to be a conscientious, thoughtful, and compassionate leader, well-organized and detail-oriented.
She’ll be an excellent mayor.
- Rick Mark/Lincoln City councilor
Why is a member of Lincoln City Council endorsing a political candidate? This has all the appearance of impropriety and, while likely we’ll intended, I will remind folks the council member Rick Mark has been officially rebuked by Lincoln City for making statements that swayed the city council against seating a well qualified person from a volunteer position based on an unfounded opinion from a private using their platform with the Chamber of Commerce to further a personal agenda. In short, Council member Mark is easily swayed by dubious information and has a history of treating rumor as fact either unwittingly or purposefully to drive a personal agenda.
Why should a city councilor of a municipality be making such a strong political statement for a community that doesn’t rely on his constituent base for services and resources? This is a highly inappropriate use of his platform and position to further his personal opinion that is outside the scope of his authority and focus as a Lincoln City, not county, councilor.