While it is frustrating that the number of positive cases of Covid-19 have caused the governor to order stricter lockdown procedures, I do not agree that a pause on short-term rentals in Lincoln County should be reinstated as stated in a letter to the editor on Nov. 15.
Responsible people do not need the government to police them regarding the limits of a gathering. While it is possible, and understandable that the police would intervene in extreme situations (parties of 50+ as an example), the police will not go to every residential home to confirm these limits are being met. Therefore, they should not go to a short term rental – acting like a home for a short period of time – to police those occupants. To suggest otherwise is to believe that people are incapable of being responsible.
Additionally, responsible owners of short-term rentals can and will limit their occupancies to six people — it’s easy to change that number on our website. The agency we use confirms occupancy with every single check-in we have. So it is not true that occupancy cannot be verified. Other owners have outdoor cameras to verify occupancy. Shutting down short-term rentals again is not the answer to the spread of Covid-19. While decreasing the spread is important, it is also important to the life of Lincoln County to have income, supporting jobs and those who live and work here. The economic impact of the lockdowns have been extensive. Why cause even more economic limitations?
People are suffering mentally and emotionally from this lockdown. If they are able to work virtually, or are retired and simply want a change of scenery, they should be allowed to come to our county and enjoy the beauty of the central Oregon coast. To my knowledge, there is not one case of Covid-19 traced to someone occupying a short-term rental in our county. Let’s stop blaming all of our problems on short-term rentals.
Suggesting enforcement of gathering rules on short-term rental occupants must then be extended to all residents of the county. What’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. Ridiculous? Yes. Leave the short-term rentals alone. This is not 1984.
— Laurie Bennett/Lakewood, Calif./Depoe Bay