To the editor:
Kudos to Yachats for its Fourth of July celebration. It was truly a wonderful, community event.
I would like to applaud and acknowledge the efforts of everyone who donated their time, talents, energy and support to the three-day event. Attendees and participants all seemed happy and relaxed while out celebrating, and feeling “back to normal”.
The colorful poster boasted eight events from fireworks to duck races, arts and craft shows, farmers market, rock and roll music, pancake feed, and the La de da Parade.
Behind the scenes, everything was put in place by dozens of volunteers and staff from a variety of entities including the city of Yachats, the Yachats Rural Fire Protection District, the Chamber of Commerce, Oregon State Parks, the Yachats Ladies Club, Yachats Lions, Yachats Farmers Market, YFAPP, Copeland Lumber, Yachats Trails Crew, Yachats Arts Guild, and Polly Plumb Productions.
I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. Thanks to all of you. It does take a village.
— Robert Rubin, Waldport