To the editor:
My name is Maggie Rivers, and I was the manager for the Port of Alsea for 21 years. During that time, I had the privilege and pleasure of working with commissioners Rob Bishop and Jan Power for many years. I know that these commissioners have a deep commitment to our local community, and to the Port district at large.
Collaboratively, working with the three other commissioners, and with the assistance of the Port manager, they have worked through the levels of local, state and federal regulations. That resulted in the passage of the bond measure, and the approval of grants that provided the necessary funding to replace the aging Port facilities with a new, double lane launch, new moorage facilities, a state of the art kayak launch, and more dredging.
These improvements bring money not only directly to the Port, but to our local businesses — restaurants and lodging facilities, grocery stores and gas stations, and to both local bait shops. In addition, people traveling from Salem or Lebanon, Idaho or California, spend money on the way here to use the new Port facilities, and on the way back home, which benefits the economy of our state.
Commissioners Rob Bishop and Jan Power have worked diligently to increase recreational opportunities for residents and visitors alike. Through their efforts, they have also insured that the Port of Alsea will have a bright future for decades to come.
Please vote to retain Rob Bishop and Jan Power as commissioners for the Port of Alsea.
— Maggie Rivers/Waldport