To the editor:
I have worked in criminal prosecution for over 25 years. I was the chief deputy district attorney in the Lincoln County District Attorney’s Office for seven years and resigned in December 2019. I was Lanee Danforth’s direct supervisor in the office and I can tell you that she has what it takes to be a great district attorney for Lincoln County.
District attorneys arguably have more power and discretion than any other elected official. The district attorney does not answer to anyone, except the voters every four years. That is why it is imperative that Lincoln County elect a district attorney who has sound judgment and will always do the right thing for the right reasons to keep the community safe. Lanee Danforth is that person.
The district attorney is responsible for applying the law equally to everyone — rich or poor, influential or not. Applying the law equally to everyone requires the district attorney to know and understand the law as it is written and interpreted by the courts. Lanee Danforth knows the law better than anyone. She was consistently the “go to” person in the office when anyone — deputy district attorneys and law enforcement — had questions. Lanee Danforth knew things about the law that other deputy district attorneys and defense attorneys with decades of experience didn’t know. Rather than patronize anyone, she always educated and trained colleagues with patience and humility. I have even observed Lanee Danforth, on more than one occasion, educate judges regarding nuances in the law.
Not only does Lanee Danforth know the law but she applies it equally to everyone she prosecutes. She has good judgment and resolves her cases in ways that are firm but fair. She has a hard work ethic and it was not uncommon for her to be at the office after hours and on weekends. In fact, sometimes it was hard to get her to go home! Lanee Danforth cares deeply about the work she does and I have no doubt that she will be a great leader for the district attorney’s office and for Lincoln County.
— J.W. Hupp, Wailulu, Hawaii