WALDPORT — Oregon Coast Community College has closed its building in Waldport until Feb. 1 as it makes repairs to walls and floors following a water leak Nov. 24.
The leak occurred in the water intake to the building’s hot water heater, damaging some drywall and carpeted areas, the college said in a news release. A college employee stopped by the center on Crestline Drive to retrieve a laptop that Sunday evening and discovered the leak within an hour of its start.
Contractors removed most of the water that night and set up dehumidifiers and blowers to mitigate further damage. Two feet of drywall from the bottom of the affected walls were removed in preparation for repairs.
The college’s Waldport center houses its GED coordinator, offices for the Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County, and hosts community education courses and meetings for local organizations. Winter term classes scheduled in Waldport have been moved to OCCC’s Newport campus.