To the editor: I am writing this letter to state my strong support for Craig Berdie as the next mayor of the city of Yachats. Craig Berdie thoroughly understands the […]
Lincoln County Democrats endorse three in non-partisan races Nov. 8
To the editor: While the campaigns for state and federal offices have figured most visibly into Democratic Party endorsements, Lincoln County progressives are keenly aware of the impacts of local […]
Ask YRFPD board for more financial details before approving levy
To the editor: In the past couple of days, I have been able to peruse a couple of Yachats Facebook sites. Some of the comments I have seen on Measure […]
Gomberg works hard to support small businesses
To the editor: David Gomberg and his wife, Susan, have lived here 35 years and built a world-famous kite business. Very few legislators have small business experience and the know […]
HD 10 candidate Celeste McEntee understands forestry, farming issues
To the editor: I like trees. I have been growing forests in Lincoln and Benton Counties for more than 40 years. Actively managed forests implementing commercial thinning, increase ecological function […]
Skarlatos would bring needed change to Congress
To the editor: I am voting for Alek Skarlatos to represent Oregon in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a five-year veteran of the Oregon Army National Guard, Alek Skarlatos […]
Former Yachats councilor says Gomberg always listened
To the editor: As a former member of the Yachats City Council, I had the opportunity to spend time in Salem meeting with various members of the Oregon Legislature. It […]
Gomberg too good, too responsive and too hardworking to “trade away”
To the editor: I’ve read with bemusement the several recent letters supporting a candidate running to take the seat of our incumbent state representative, David Gomberg. No doubt this person […]
Ask Yachats council candidates how they will work with others
To the editor: Conversations with Yachats community members suggest a high desire for government stability and improved effectiveness of service delivery. It is clear that many residents are frustrated with […]
Democrat crossing aisle to vote for Celeste McEntee in HD 10
To the editor: I am a lifelong Democrat, and I am endorsing Celeste McEntee for Oregon State Representative. I am choosing to vote outside of my party because I feel things […]