To the editor: Yachats is magical place blessed with an abundance of natural beauty to enjoy. While everyone appreciates the magnificent Pacific Ocean to the west and Cape Perpetua to […]
Proposed legislation allowing liability waivers is bad policy and needs to die
To the editor: Lincoln County legislators Sen. Dick Anderson, R-Lincoln City and Rep. David Gomberg, D-Otis, are among sponsors of a horrible bill that would rob consumers who suffer terrible […]
Yachats nonprofit seeks community comments for strategic planning
To the editor: View the Future, a Yachats-based non-profit organization, was founded in 2004 to help preserve, protect and enhance our area’s natural, cultural and recreational environment for the Yachats […]
Center director urges end-of-year giving to Oregon Cultural Trust
To the editor: A single piece of artwork – “Celebrate Oregon!” – honors and respects the diverse people and cultures of Oregon. It’s featured on the new cultural license plate and […]
Covid-19 is now a pandemic of the aged — so please update your vaccinations
To the editor As an octogenarian living in Yachats – I will be 86 on Christmas Day — I’m concerned about the changing pattern of deaths from Covid-19. In April, […]
Yachats conservation group supports wild river act in Congress
To the editor: View the Future, a community conservation organization in Yachats, fully supports Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden’s River Democracy Act of 2021. The River Democracy Act (S.192; co-sponsored by […]
Celeste McEntee will help bring change to Oregon
To the Editor: On Tuesday, Nov. 8 we have the opportunity to elect a new representative for Oregon House District 10. It is an opportunity for change and a new […]
Gomberg will help protect a woman’s reproductive rights
To the editor: With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it has become very important that Oregon elected officials stand up for women’s bodily autonomy and protect this most fundamental […]
Celeste McEntee is ready to advocate for hard-working Oregonians
To the editor: Celeste McEentee is the candidate I am voting for to represent Lincoln County in the Oregon House of Representatives. Celeste McEntee has a keen understanding of what […]
15neighborhoods group endorses Gomberg and Miller in Nov. 8 vote
To the editor: It is rare for a group as diverse as 15neighborhoods to reach a consensus on things outside the short-term rental issue but with Rep. David Gomberg and […]