To the editor For more than two decades, the Oregon Cultural Trust has played an essential role in enriching cultural resources across our state by supporting more than 1,600 nonprofits. […]
Lincoln County residents, commissioners should oppose timber spraying
To the editor: Judging by the positive response from motorists to our protests along U.S. Highway 101 in Seal Rock in opposition to the spraying of Beaver Creek watershed, I […]
New Oregon legislation will help restore more critical coastal estuaries
To the editor: A juvenile coho salmon leapt out of the water in front of us just minutes after we finished removing a dike upstream from Toledo – the first […]
Beaver Creek resident urges opposition to proposed aerial spraying
To the editor: My husband and I live between Waldport and Newport in the woods behind the gorgeous vacation community of Seal Rock. South Beaver Creek Road is a well-kept […]
County planners wrong to deny Hetzler workforce housing idea
To the editor: What is wrong with the Lincoln County planners who oppose the concept of providing safe and inexpensive housing options in a remote location for people who are trying […]
Timberland spraying may be legal but it’s not safe for the public
To the editor: More than 1,700 people have signed a petition opposing Oregon Department of Forestry approval of aerial application of herbicides on private forest lands adjacent to South Beaver […]
Citizens must try to stop Beaver Creek herbicide spraying
To the editor: In 2017 the citizens of Lincoln County voted to support Measure 21-177 to ban aerial spraying of pesticides. However, after a 29-month ban, the measure was pre-empted […]
Lincoln County measure would have blocked proposed Beaver Creek spraying
To the editor: Glyphosate (sold commercially as RoundUp, an organophosphate pesticide) is part of a chemical cocktail a private forest owner is planning to aerial spray over 473 acres of […]
Motorists need signs to protect them from “Darwin Tree” on Highway 101
To the editor: ODOT has long refused to acknowledge and remedy a dangerous U.S. Highway 101 road hazard just south of Seal Rock, a few miles north of me, seeming […]
Yachats’ boardwalk project on Ocean View Drive deserves to be fast-tracked
To the editor: This letter is a copy of one I sent to the Yachats city council in support of fast-tracked construction of the boardwalk and viewing deck (known as […]