To the editor: Continuing a 13-month trend, regular Yachats City Council meeting attendees last week witnessed three more instances of lack of respect towards new council members James Kerti and […]
Yachats should close loophole in its comprehensive plan to protect scenic views
To the editor: The city of Yachats’ comprehensive land use plan and its supporting documents outline the protection of our scenic and visual environment as a guiding principle of the […]
Signs, not just vacation rentals, need limits and licenses too
To the editor: Congratulations to the Yachats City Council for finding a solution to the problem of signs in our village. We’ve all been threatened by this issue with little […]
We support proposed Yachats regulations on excessive lighting
To the editor: Being half time residents of Yachats, we fully endorse the proposed new city ordinance governing commercial and residential lighting in the city if it will limit excessive […]
Limiting vacation rentals is a way to balance Yachats’ livability
To the editor: The vacation rental issue is one that is touching every community these days. I thought I would chime in some thoughts that I have on it. First, […]
Now that there’s a limit on vacation rentals, will cars be next?
To the editor: Now that the Yachats City Council has solved the problem with noisy neighbors with its vacation rental policy, I request that they take up another serious problem. […]
Proliferation of vacation rentals in Yachats hurts the city
To the editor: This is in response to a bulk mailing from Candy Neville and the Yachats Alliance. In summary, Neville and the alliance argues for unlimited and unregulated vacation […]
A love letter to Yachats from a distant shore
To the editor: I have loved Yachats for 55 years. I’ve seen many beautiful places in the world and now live on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, but I […]
Vacation rental owners concerned about Yachats’ regulations
To the editor: Yachats homeowners, are you aware that the Yachats City Council is enacting an ordinance that will limit your property rights, may lower the value of your home, […]
Guidelines for letters to the editor
Letters are solicited on local topics that could be of interest to the community and will be subject to the usual standards for decency and fairness. There is no official […]