To the editor: Russell Baldwin has been our family attorney since we moved to Lincoln City approximately 20 years ago. We encourage everyone to vote for him in the upcoming May 19, […]
Gamba in Congress could help stop Trump’s environmental destruction
To the editor: After more than 50 years of activism for environmental and social justice it is painful for me to watch those years of hard work and occasional success […]
Gamba would be progressive voice in Oregon’s 5th Congressional District
To the editor: Given the massive disruptions these days, it would be easy to forget that this is an election year. While it may feel like we are currently in […]
Yachats real estate broker supports Baldwin for judge
To the editor: Lincoln City attorney Russell L. Baldwin would be a incredible addition to the bench in Lincoln County. Not only is he an awesome attorney, but he is […]
Getting a $1,200 check this week? Consider donating it to community fund
The U.S. government is preparing to send checks out to lots of us, apparently in the amount of $1,200 per person with the idea that these funds will help people […]
County commissioner asks visitors – including owners of second homes — to stay away
Fifty years ago, Oscar the Grouch greeted anyone who approached his trash can on Sesame Street with a simple, blunt message: SCRAM! About the same time beloved Oregon Gov. Tom […]
Old Yachats fire station property should be used for affordable housing
To the editor: As a full-time Yachats’ resident and property owner, I would like the Yachats Rural Fire Protection District’s sale of the four commercially zoned tax lots containing its […]
Fire chief apologizes for actions that led to ethics investigation
To the editor: On Jan. 3 the Oregon Government Ethics Commission issued a stipulated final order and letter of education to conclude its investigation into my actions as fire chief […]
Yachats’ limits on vacation rentals could invite another expensive legal battle
To the editor: At a recent City Council meeting, someone in the audience stated (soto voce) that since Gerry and I rent our house part time to others, we don’t […]
Lights from new Yachats fire station continue to disturb neighbors
To the editor: I represent the residents of Ocean Wayside Lane, which runs along the north side of the new main station of the Yachats Rural Fire Protection District. Back […]