To the editor: I had the eye-opening experience of serving on jury duty in early 2019. As part of a felony jury, I heard the evidence in a truly disturbing domestic violence case. While the facts of the case were difficult to hear, it was also difficult for me to hear that in January the governor had appointed the defense attorney in that case, […]
Lincoln County sheriff’s lieutenant asks voters to re-elect Bachart as circuit judge
To the editor: I have had the opportunity to work with Lincoln County Circuit Judge Sheryl Bachart for the past 23 years. I began my career in law enforcement in […]
Waldport’s interim mayor urges vote for Claire Hall as county commissioner
To the editor: Lincoln County Commissioner Claire Hall is running for another term in the May primary election, and along with the many others speaking and writing on her behalf, […]
Newport attorney recommends Cable for Lincoln County DA
To the editor: Lincoln County received a superior public servant when Gov. Kate Brown appointed Newport attorney Jonathan Cable to serve as our district attorney in January. Mr. Cable brings […]
Lincoln County deputy district attorney supports Danforth in May primary
To the editor: I am a deputy district attorney in the Lincoln County District Attorney’s Office and have been following the district attorney campaigns closely. What we have heard over […]
Longtime defense attorney urges voters to replace circuit judge with Baldwin
To the editor: We are fortunate in Oregon to elect our judges. Circuit court judges are not appointed for life and are accountable to the people. This month we have […]
Judge pro tem supports keeping Bachart on Lincoln County bench
When I first began practicing law in Lincoln County it took very little time to realize why Judge Sheryl Bachart is so widely respected in our community. I now have […]
Toledo man who sat through trial recommends Danforth for Lincoln County DA
To the editor: I have lived in Lincoln County for several years and last year I finally served on jury duty. In and out of the courthouse several times, I […]
Criminal defense attorney recommends Cable as Lincoln County DA
To the editor: I have lived and worked in Lincoln County as a general practitioner, public defender and criminal defense attorney since 1973. I am now semi-retired and no longer […]
Coos Bay resident supports Daily for Democratic nomination in House District 9
To the editor: I, like many others, moved to the Oregon coast and House District 9 because of the natural beauty. I knew when I moved here, that I wanted […]