To the editor: This is in response to the recent letter to the editor by Chris Fletcher, one of the brothers proposing to build a motel in south Yachats. In […]
Brothers seeking Agate Point motel OK disappointed by lack of community dialogue
To the editor: My name is Chris Fletcher. My brother Jonathan and I are apparently the greedy profit-at-any-cost developers from California that have been batted around on the Yachats Village […]
Measure 21-203 is a chance to save neighborhoods from nightly rentals
To the editor: It isn’t often that voters have an opportunity to vote in the affirmative on a ballot measure, but that chance has arrived. You can save your neighborhood. […]
Longtime Devil’s Lake homeowner endorses commissioners’ view of BM 21-203
To the editor: I wholeheartedly agree with Lincoln County‘s commissioners opposition to Ballot Measure 21-203. Our beautiful historic house on north Devil’s Lake has been my home away from home […]
Yachats needs to protect wetlands, reject proposed motel development
To the editor: When we live in a beautiful place, one that people travel to for enjoyment, quiet and the beauty of living at the edge of a continent, with […]
Facts, not fear mongering, count when considering STR issues in Lincoln County
To the editor: We have a choice to be informed by verifiable facts, or succumb to fear mongering, misrepresentation and lies. The phrase “Follow the Money” has never been more […]
Passage of anti-STR ballot measure would badly hurt Lincoln County economy
To the editor: A few property owners don’t want a vacation rental in their neighborhood and are trying to eliminate many short-term rentals. Lincoln County has strict regulations for STR’s relating […]
Look a lot closer at the “big” numbers vacation rental campaign is touting
To the editor: Opponents of Measure 21-203 have pulled out the big guns — significant money lost if the measure passes. The numbers are big. They are scary. But can […]
Lots of reasons to support Measure 21-203 phasing out some short-term rentals
To the editor: While it is easy to give a few second sound bite and sound like you know something, don’t believe the short-term rental companies when they say our […]
Yachats Fire property tax request Nov. 2 too high for people on fixed incomes
To the editor: Recently, I received a mailed correspondence from the Yachats Rural Fire Protection District for its proposed local option tax measure on the Nov. 2 ballot. What a […]