By DANA TIMS/YachatsNews A sizable federal grant just awarded to Oregon State University will help the state’s coastal communities create emergency preparedness programs to face tsunamis and earthquakes. The […]
NOAA researchers encouraged by larger number of gray whale calves that migrated north this spring
By NOAA FISHERIES Almost twice as many gray whale calves swam north with their mothers to their Arctic feeding grounds this spring compared to last year, according to a […]
After uproar, consultant says it’s “highly unlikely” Beaver Creek timberland owner will proceed with aerial spraying
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews SEAL ROCK – A plan to spray herbicides from a helicopter on 473 acres of clearcuts in the South Beaver Creek watershed by a private timber […]
Federal energy agency asks for public comment on two Oregon coast sites slated for floating offshore wind farms
By DANA TIMS/YachatsNews Most of Oregon’s congressional delegation is hailing what they call a 60-day pause in federal efforts to develop floating offshore wind-energy platforms off the southern Oregon […]
Gray whales that spend summer off the Oregon coast are smaller than Arctic counterparts, OSU researchers find
By MICHELLE KLAMPE/OSU News Service NEWPORT – Gray whales that spend their summers feeding off the coast of Oregon are shorter than their counterparts who travel north to the […]
Armed with nets, Sharpies and glitter pens, silverspot researchers spend the summer tracking threatened butterfly
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews Izzy Bur kneels on the ground to avoid the brunt of a howling wind that rakes across the salt-spray meadow overlooking the ocean south of Rock […]
NOAA scientists tracking large marine heat wave that’s raised Oregon coastal temperatures by 7 degrees
By DANA TIMS/YachatsNews A large marine heat wave that has developed each of the past four years has scientists watching closely to see how long it lasts and […]
Big ship moves just offshore north of Waldport to begin new phase of OSU’s PacWave project
By MICHELLE KLAMPE/OSU News Service WALDPORT — The next step in Oregon State University’s construction of a wave energy testing facility off the Oregon coast is now visible to […]
With months of little rain and none on horizon, Lincoln County asks governor to declare drought emergency
By QUINTON SMITH and GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews After three months of almost no rain and the likelihood of little more until October, Lincoln County commissioners Wednesday asked Gov. Tina Kotek […]
ODFW commissioners will consider extending rules Friday to limit crab gear to lessen impact on whales and turtles
By DANA TIMS/YachatsNews Oregon Fish and Wildlife commissioners are expected Friday to indefinitely extend regulations aimed at reducing whale entanglements with commercial crabbing gear. Commissioners, meeting in Salem, […]