By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – While efforts to complete repairs needed to shore up the Yachats’ Commons – which serves as the town’s community center – have been humming […]
City of Yachats
Yachats Finance Committee suggests using $600,000 from urban renewal district to help build new library
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – With sharpened pencils and a well-oiled abacus, the Yachats finance committee Tuesday divined a path for the city to better manage tax collection while […]
Yachats city council adopts ordinance banning camping on most public property, but wants ways to help homeless
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – Community members turned out in big numbers to ensure homeless people get a fair shake as the Yachats city council moved to pass a […]
Yachats city manager suspends disputed and expensive work on upgrading websites, computer systems
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – After getting apprised of a contractor’s work to upgrade the city of Yachats’ website and some digging to find out why some necessary approvals […]
Yachats council holds initial hearings on fireworks ban, homeless camping and expresses concern about Post Office operations
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS –Yachats moved closer to passing a fireworks ban and getting an ordinance on the books to keep homeless people from camping wherever they want within […]
First Yachats “state of the city” address in four years outlines 2023 work and 2024 plans
By GARRET JAROS and QUINTON SMITH/YachatsNews YACHATS – An annual “state of the city” address traditionally given by the mayor of Yachats had not happened since former mayor John […]
Skaters, kids, parents and city officials brave the elements to dedicate new Yachats skatepark
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – A driving rain could not stop the official opening and ribbon cutting of the Yachats skatepark Thursday afternoon – although opening speeches were moved […]
Yachats has paid $133,000 for specialized computer system work — but finance committee questions what it’s getting
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – Finding the pot of gold the city of Yachats has paid to improve its computer system is no problem – its finance committee has […]
Yachats city manager says staff is making headway on collecting food taxes, issuing vacation rental licenses
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – The days of uncollected or overdue food and beverage taxes along with weaknesses in the administration of vacation rentals are over as the city […]
Yachats council praises staff during emergencies this week, hears restaurant tax appeal, fills planning commission and OKs seeking grants
By GARRET JAROS/YachatsNews YACHATS – The Yachats city council covered a potpourri of topics in its first meeting of 2024, which as it transitions to one session a month […]