The Siuslaw National Forest has reopened the short trail along Highway 101 on Cape Perpetua that connects two popular trails after erosion of the cliff below made it unsafe. But there remains a longer-term erosion threat to the Cape Cove Trail and the highway, according to Dan Matthews, coast recreation staff officer for the agency.
The trail closed in the fall when a tree on the edge of the sandy slope fell, eventually activating a slide. That side started undercutting the asphalt trail, said Matthews.
Crews repaired the trail by using sandbags and boards on the short stretch along the highway that sits behind a wood railing.
But Matthews said engineers believe the erosion will continue on the sandy bank, which drops steeply from the highway to the ocean surf below. He said Forest Service engineers are now consulting with Oregon Department of Transportation engineers to see if there is a solution to stabilize the sandy slope and keep the slide from eventually jeopardizing the highway.
“It’s not going to be an easy fix, Matthews said.