A summer of outdoor activity at Cape Perpetua kicks off Saturday, June 1, with a National Trails Day event.
It is the first of three months of activities scheduled by the Siuslaw National Forest, which oversees the cape and its popular visitor center. These are in addition to the usual camping, hiking, tide pool exploring and picnicking always available at Cape Perpetua.
The special activities include:
Saturday, June 1: Help celebrate National Trails Day with the Forest Service and the Yachats Trails Committee by joining a work party on the Trail of the Restless Waters to improve its walkability. Tools will be provided, or bring your own. Water and snacks will be provided. Meet at 9 a.m. Saturday in the lower parking lot at Devils Churn.
Wednesday, June 5: The Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve “bioblitz” will feature guided hikes and exploration of the rocky intertidal zone where visitors can contribute to science by recording what interesting tide pool critters they observe. No experience necessary. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the visitor center.
Saturday, June 15: Volunteers will start work at 9 a.m. to help clean up and further prepare the new Amanda Bridge site for construction work. There will be a celebratory potluck for participants following the work. Volunteers who plan to attend the work session or the work session and potluck should RSVP to Yachats Trails leader Joanne Kittel (541-961-8374 or jnkittel@peak.org).
The Cape Perpetua Visitor Center also hosts free weekly events throughout the summer.
Mondays through Sept. 2: Join retired chief park ranger Michael Noack for an easy to moderate hike during which he shares information about the local flora and fauna. Hikes will last 75-90 minutes. Meet at noon at the visitor center.
Wednesdays through Aug. 28: Take a deeper dive into the Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve by joining Tara DuBois, communications coordinator for the Cape Perpetua Collaborative, for interactive exhibits at the visitor center stating at 10 a.m. At 3 p.m. DuBois will lead a stroll on the Captain Cook’s Trail to explore the rocky shoreline and marine reserve.
Thursdays through Aug. 29: Jim Nechols, retired professor of entomology at Kansas State University, will present “Alien Invaders: Invasive Plants of Siuslaw National Forest” and “Self Defense 101 for Insects: Insect Defense Mechanisms.” Bring your own lunch and meet at noon at the visitor center.
Saturdays through Aug. 31: Join Siuslaw National Forest field rangers for an informative “Forest, Explore, Discover” presentation in the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center theater at noon.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays through Sept. 2: Explore a variety of natural history topics on The Giant Spruce Trail, Discovery Loop, or Captain Cook Trail on guided hikes lead by Siuslaw National Forest field rangers. Meet at noon at the visitor center.
For more information on these events, contact the Cape Perpetua Visitor Center at 541-547-3289. To learn more about family-friendly activities on the forest, visit https://go.usa.gov/x5Xrq.
Although these events are free, a Northwest Forest Pass, Oregon Coast Passport, federal recreation pass, or $5 day-use fee is required within the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area and at some trailheads and day use sites.