Yachats will appear a little brighter to visitors heading north on U.S. Highway 101.
Newport Signs finished construction and installation of a new entrance monument and sign Friday just south of the Yachats city limits.
It’s much brighter, uses a new logo, and better resists the harsh, coastal weather. It replaces a worn, wooden sign and posts.
“It’s an awesome project. I love doing these,” said sign company owner Ken Spencer. “It’s the perfect material for the coast. It has dimensions to it, so it’s more interesting.”
Spencer built the monument base of glass-fiber reinforced concrete to match the base of the larger sign at the north entrance. The north sign will be replaced in a couple of weeks.
The four-foot wide south entrance sign is made of high-density urethane foam designed on a computer and digitally carved. Jeffery Shirley designed and digitally printed the interior graphic based on the Yachats Trails Committee logo.
“The sculpting makes it special,” Spencer said.
The sign replacement project has been years in the works, following an attempt to find a place for it inside the south city limits. When that couldn’t be worked out, the city went ahead with new a a sign and base for the south and new sign for the north.
The project cost $8,625, less than the $14,000 budgeted.
“We’re glad to have a longstanding project completed,” said City Manager Shannon Beaucaire.