Dr. Arnold Mindell, Yachats
Jan. 1, 1940 – June 10, 2024
Arnold Mindell, beloved husband, father, author, physicist and founder of Process Oriented Psychology, passed away June 10, 2024, at his home in Yachats. He was 84.
Born on Jan. 1, 1940, in Schenectady, N.Y., Arny was the first baby born in New York state that year. In 1964 he earned an master’s of science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in applied physics and mechanical engineering. His interest in physics led him to study and do research at the ETH technical Institute in Zurich Switzerland in 1964, and in 1972 he received a PhD in psychology from the Union Institute.
Endlessly passionate about nature and the universe, he realized his studies of the natural world were not enough to understand the nature of people and how to get along with one another. He studied Jungian psychology and became a Jungian analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in Kuesnacht, Switzerland in 1970. He then developed a new form of psychology called Process Oriented Psychology (or Process Work) and together with his students founded its first school in Zurich in 1982. Today, there are over 20 Process Work schools around the world and he wrote 23 books on the subject.
A pioneer in the areas of dream and bodywork, Arny developed his seminal idea of the “Dreambody” — that is, the mirror connection between our body and our dreams. He also developed “Worldwork”, a method for working with small and large group conflict situations and social issues of all kinds, methods for working with people in comatose and near-death states, and much more.
He met his wife, Amy, in Zurich and they married in Newport, Ore. in 1988. For decades, Amy and Arny enjoyed traveling and teaching Process Work throughout the world and were resident teachers at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California in the 1990s. In 1991 they moved back to the U.S. from Switzerland and together with colleagues, founded the Process Work Institute school in Portland.
Amy and Arny have had a home in Yachats since 1986. Each day, Arny rejoiced at the magnificence of nature and the awesome sea and felt Yachats was his true home.
He was loved as a beautiful partner, friend, and brilliant teacher by thousands of people all over the world and was known for his joyful spirit, constant passion for research, and deep desire to make the world a better place for all. You may have seen him around Yachats exuberantly saying “Woof!” — his favorite expression. He will be deeply missed, although, as he often said, “We do not only die, we are a spirit and a dream that will always be here.”
He is survived by his wife, Amy Mindell; children Lara Gmuer-Mindell and Robin Mindell; grandchildren Aurelia and Zoey Mindell; and the thousands of friends and students around the world who had the great fortune to know and learn from him.
There will be a gathering to honor and celebrate Arny’s life and offer his ashes in the Yachats Bay at 11 a.m. Aug. 23 as well as a gathering at 4 p.m. to remember and celebrate his life at the Yachats Lion’s Club. Contact Susan Kocen for more details at arnycelebrationoflife@gmail.com.
There will also be an online celebration of Arny’s life on Aug. 22. Go to the Process Work Institute website for dates and information.