To the editor:
I have not been a fan of Newport mayor Dean Sawyer for a while. Previously I was collecting signatures door to door and at the Newport Farmers Market to recall the mayor. Many of the people with whom I spoke about the facts known at the time told me that they’d like to sign but were afraid to do so because a successful recall petition would be available to the public and they were afraid to anger Sawyer.
I am appalled but not surprised that Sawyer denigrated and belittled marginalized groups in what he thought was a private “safe space.” I believe it fits the lack of moral compass he has exhibited in the past and further erodes the positive image law enforcement needs to be successful in serving and protecting everyone.
I do not believe for a minute that the self he revealed in these online posts is not his true self. His attempt to pass off violent and hateful messages as juvenile jokes is laughable.
Sawyer does not deserve to continue as our mayor. He should resign and do some deep introspection on what it means to really care about the people, all of the people, he represents.
A heartfelt apology to those he has disrespected and a resignation will be a good start.
— Corbett Gordon/Newport