In the market for hand-knitted hats, scarves, shawls and even doggie coats? How about whole pies, cookies and other goodies?
There will be lots to buy — and all for good causes — Saturday, April 3 and Saturday, April 10 at a mini-bazaar sponsored by the Yachats Ladies Club.
Social distancing and mask-wearing will be the rule from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. both Saturdays at the club’s hall, 286 W. Third St.
“We did this in November and December last year, following pandemic protocols and only allowing six people at a time to come in and shop,” said club president “Huck” Huckins. “Now most of us have had our vaccine; we’ll still be observing social distancing and masking, with someone at the door monitoring the number of people allowed in at one time.”
Through fund-raisers like the mini-bazaar, the Ladies Club is able to contribute to local social service organizations such as Samaritan House in Waldport, a family transitional housing program, and to offer scholarships to Oregon Coast Community College students majoring in nursing or allied health services.
On March 14 — “Pi Day” to recognize the mathematical constant — the club had its own online “Pi” pie sale. The club sold its limit of 40 pies at $25 apiece, Huckins said, “and about a third of our customers also gave us tips.”
“They’re glad to have us back,” she said.
— Cheryl Romano/YachatsNews