By The Oregon Capital Bureau
Oregon on Thursday transitions from a COVID-19 freeze to a frosty list of new restrictions that will likely last into the start of 2021.
The “Two-Week Freeze” ended Wednesday, but state officials say infection rates are still on a rapid rise.
The Oregon Health Authority announced last week that a four-tiered “Risk Level” rating system would kick-in Thursday, just as the freeze ended.
The most restrictive “Extreme Risk” list was released late Tuesday and includes 25 out of the state’s 36 counties — four more than Oregon Health Authority officials had projected the week before.
“Counties that are facing extreme risk of virus spread will need to continue with strict health and safety measures, similar to the Two-Week Freeze,” Gov. Kate Brown said in a statement Wednesday.
Five counties — Lincoln, Benton, Clatsop, Coos and Curry — are in the “high risk” category. Tillamook and Harney are counties rated as “moderate risk,” while Gilliam, Sherman and Wallowa are “lower risk” counties.
“I want to stress that there is no ‘zero-risk’ category,” Brown said.
The move came amid warnings the worst phase of the pandemic that’s hobbled the nation since February is yet to come. Rapidly rising COVID-19 case counts and deaths will be compounded by a surge of infections from Thanksgiving and Christmas travel.
“December and January and February are going to be rough times,” Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control, said Wednesday. “I actually believe they’re going to be the most difficult time in the public health history of this nation.”
Officials warn that already stressed hospitals could run out of intensive care unit beds and that available staff was stretched thin and have to be pulled out if they catch the infection themselves.
Oregon Health Authority reported 1,244 new COVID-19 cases and 18 new deaths on Wednesday. The state has had a total of 78,160 cases and 953 deaths.
A month ago, on Nov. 2, the state reported a daily count of 692 cases and 1 death, bringing the then-total for the year to 45,978 cases and 692 deaths.
The past 30 days have accounted for 27% of deaths since the first death in Oregon on March 14.
In Oregon, state health authorities said the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients had fallen to 549, 28 fewer than Wednesday’s report. There are 105 COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit beds, six fewer than Wednesday.
At least three vaccines are nearing distribution. Britain announced Wednesday that it would start using a two-shot Pfizer vaccine to inoculate health workers as early as this week.
Final U.S. approval is expected by Dec. 15 and at least two other vaccines are right behind.
Vaccines will first go to medical workers and hospital staffs, then nursing home patients and their caregivers. It will likely be Spring before all Oregonians who want the vaccine will be able to get one.
In the meantime, officials say the use of masks, social distancing and hygiene are the best tools to try to slow the virus.
Counties status will be reviewed once every two weeks and if there is progress, can move one risk level down for the following two weeks. There are two dates in 2020 when counties could switch levels: Dec. 17 and Dec. 31.
With cases rising and spikes expected from Thanksgiving and Christmas travel, it’s most likely that risk levels are more likely to stay the same or go up. Last week, the state said it expected 21 counties to be at Extreme Risk when the program started Dec. 3. Since then, four more have been added.
During the pandemic, many workers have been unsure if they should stay home or clock in. Under the three less strict risk categories, employers are “recommended” to have staff work from home. At Extreme Risk, it is required. Offices are closed to the public.
Shopping has some leeway. Stores and malls should look at those maximum occupancy signs and keep the number of people to half — again, don’t forget to count staff.
“Faith institutions” — churches, synagogues, mosques included — should be at 25 percent capacity or 100 total people, whichever is smaller. Outdoors, no more than 150. “Curbside pick-up is encouraged.”
COUNTY LEVELS (Effective Dec. 3 based on date on Nov. 30)
Extreme Risk (25): Baker, Clackamas, Columbia, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Grant, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Umatilla, Union, Wasco, Washington, and Yamhill.
High Risk (5): Lincoln, Benton, Clatsop, Coos, and Curry.
Moderate Risk (2): Harney and Tillamook.
Lower Risk (3): Gilliam, Sherman, Wallowa