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Rep. Val Hoyle staff meetings with Lincoln County residents

July 23, 2027 @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

NEWPORT – Staff from the office of Rep. Val Hoyle, D-Ore. have begun regular once-a-month sessions for Lincoln County residents to get in-person held on issues with federal agencies.

The staff will use the meeting room of the Lincoln County commission from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on the fourth Friday of each month. The first session was Feb. 28; the next is March 28. No appointments are necessary.

While her district office is in Eugene, Hoyle said she wants residents of Lincoln, Benton, Douglas, Curry and Coos counties to have access to her staff and provide help with federal agencies. People can also get assistance via by following the prompts.

Hoyle staff member Cheri Brubaker said Keith Barnes, the county’s veterans services officer was on hand in February and will be available March 28.


July 23, 2027
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm